The Manner of Conducting the Novena to Jesus of the Black Nazarene

And came and lived in a city called Nazareth. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophets: “He shall be called a Nazarene.”

Jesus of the Black Nazarene
Chapel of the Black Nazarene
Iriga City, Philippines
The Manner of Conducting the Novena to Jesus of the Black Nazarene
The Novena to our Lord Jesus of the Black Nazarene is a manual of prayers and devotions in His honor and should be of great help to His devotees. This Novena may be made by devotees during nine consecutive Fridays or nine consecutive days any time of the year. The purpose of such special devotion is to Glorify God, to sanctify necessity for own temporal and eternal welfare.
But, the most recommended period for making such novena is during nine consecutive Fridays, starting with “Septuagesima Sunday”* until “Viernes Dolores” (Friday before Palm Sunday)

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