The Shepherd One
“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
The Shepherd One
The Shepherd One
By. Monster Angel
I praise the Almighty One
For giving me the Shepherd One
To guide me on my everyday missions
And deliver me from my omissions
Day by day comes with a new challenge
But with your words of wisdom
It is both an inspiration and a challenge
To keep my faith, and to follow the Almighty One
Oh Sweet Loving Father
How divine are your words
So steadfast to hear
It is cuddled by the whole world
My encounter with the Shepherd One
It was very meaningful and vestige
Rich and poor were in communion as one
The cipher was privileged
Undeterred by the predicaments
Young and old endured
To submit the vow to the sacrament
And to show the love beyond measure
No wonder
There is only one
That is You Holy Father
Is to be Called the Shepherd One
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