“Just Bring Back My Best Friend”

Just Bring Back My Best Friend
By. Meline Ngo

Just Bring Back My Best Friend
By. Meline Ngo
Look at me in my eyes
And tell me once again.
I can’t believe what I’ve heard
There must be some mistakes!
You’ve proclaimed to me many times
How much you love and need me.
You can’t even live without me!
Yes! That’s what you said.
How can you say to me now?
That you don’t love me.
This can’t be real!
You’ve been my best friend.
You made me your lover.
You made me gave up a lot Just to love you!
You said it’s all part of the process.
How can I let this happen?
I should have not love my best friend
I never wanted to love you!
I trusted you more than myself.
Don’t leave me alone lifeless
Please just call me by my name
And be my best friend again.
@Copyright by Meline Ngo

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