In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Holy Bible
By. Meline Ngo
Bible was written 70 years after following the resurrection of Jesus.
The Bible did not simply fall from heaven, but we owe this to the early apostles and the evangelists.
They make no pretense of answering all the questions concerning the faith of others but are a collection of testimonies where we discover the person of Jesus and are compelled by the power of His resurrection.
Why is there a new testament after the old one?
Because each forms a part of salvation history and a revelation of God within history,
The cross of Jesus separates these two phases. In the old testament, people are being formed. The message of Jesus was to overcome the narrow-mindedness of their nationalism and fanaticism to find here and now the kingdom and justice of God. The history of Israel had to flow into a new era with the Universal people of God, who would be rich in the knowledge of the Father and of the Son. Such people would practice non-violence, which can overcome division and oppression.
The New Testament does not replace the old. Jesus preaching does not make warnings of the prophets irrelevant.
Love does not replace Justice.
The salvation promised to the Jewish people is not replaced by the salvation of the souls. But rather the gospel is presented as the liberating truth which redirects history and moves all civilizations towards the goal of re-union and reconciliation in the church of all human powers.
Salvation transforms humankind and renews creation.
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