I’m Sorry for Loving You

I’m Sorry for Loving You
By. Monster Angel

By. Monster Angel
Who could have perceived
That i will ever feel this way again
Feeling so cherished
Always looking forward to see you again
Waiting for your messages
Can’t sleep without your goodnight
Giggling with your responses
You make my mornings bright
But this shouldn’t be
How can this be
Everything’s happening so fast
This should past
I wish you are not you
It should not be you
It is wrong to love you
I cant belong to you
Who do not wish to be loved
Its feels so great to be in love
But it has to be right
And to someone I have the right
I love you already
But are we ready
We are not for each other
We don’t belong together
It has to be now
It has to stop
Everything must stop
I don’t want to hate you
But I have to let go
I didn’t mean to love you
Im sorry I really have to go
@Copyright Meline C. Ngo

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