Prayer of the Seven Last Words

Prayer of the Seven Last Words

Prayer of the Seven Last Words
O Divine Jesus, incarnate Son of God, for our salvation You consented to be born in a stable, to spend You whole life amid poverty, trials, and misery, and to die surrounded by sufferings on the Cross. At the hour of my death, please tell Your Father: Father, forgive them. Tell Your Mother: Behold Your child. Tell my soul: This day You shall be with me in paradise.
My God, my God, do not forsake me in that hour. I thirst, yes, my soul thirsts for You who are the fountain of living waters. My life passes away like a shadow; in a short while everything will be accomplished. Therefore, my adored Saviour, from this moment and for all eternity, into Your hands I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus, receive my soul.

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